LoRaWAN door/window contact

LoRaWAN Tür- und Fensterkontakt für better.energy
better.energy Fensterkontakt im Einsatz bei geöffnetem Fenster



Kompatibel mit

better.energy – Control, better.energy – Monitor


The smart LoRaWAN-enabled door and window sensor immediately recognise when a window is opened or closed and report this to the intelligent better.energy software. To do this, a magnet is attached to the door or window and the corresponding sensor is attached to the corresponding frame.


  • Quick mounting: No cables are required for simple attachment of the sensor.
  • Simple detection: The sensor registers whether the magnet is within range of the sensor or not.
  • Long battery life: The window contacts require little energy and are supplied with a built-in replaceable battery.
  • Minimalist style: The simple design and compact size of the sensor fits into any building.

Abmessungen und Gewicht

Sensor: 5.05 × 3.1 × 1.85 cm | Magnet: 3.0 × 1.35 × 1.0 cm
