LoRaWAN Heizköper-Thermostat better.energy seitlich

Digital radiator control better.energy – Control

Heat intelligently to save money and energy

Up to 31 % energy savings

Reduce your heating costs with better.energy – Control

better.energy – Control reliably and efficiently controls your radiators in the building, whether it’s a hotel, hospital or public administration building. The smart software reduces energy consumption by up to 31 per cent. The heating control system regulates the room temperatures completely independently and takes the occupancy of the rooms into account. In this way, the intelligent room control system ensures comfortable temperatures in occupied rooms and keeps empty rooms at an energy-efficient level.

Handwerker an Heizkörper tauscht das Thermostat aus

Integration in the building

Surprisingly easy to install

The smart energy management solution better.energy – Control is integrated without any structural measures. All you have to do is unscrew the old radiator thermostats, fit new wireless thermostats and find a suitable place for the gateway. Then switch on your new gateway. The thermostats and the software connect automatically. This creates a stable, reliable connection between the intelligent room control system and the wireless thermostats. With better.energy – Control, you can save yourself the trouble of laying unnecessary cables and lengthy conversion work. This is not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment.


Intelligence that switches on, or off

better.energy – Control includes a flexible control engine which ensures that the control of the radiators is optimally adapted to the needs of the building users. Maximum transparency, ease of use and sophisticated modes and standards offer you everything you need for efficient energy management in your building. Of course, open windows are also recognised, thus putting a stop to wasted energy.

better.energy radiator thermostat in hand

Fan coils

Want to heat and cool automatically?


Only the best for you

To get the most out of the better.energy – Control software and enable it to be used effectively in your building, we rely on high-quality hardware from renowned manufacturers who, like us, focus on design, functionality, aesthetics and compatibility.